Sunday, March 13, 2011

Watch Our Garden Grow

In the northwest corner of our property sits a ten by twenty foot patch of tilled earth that we call our garden. We have grown vegetables and herbs in past summers, but have never been able to claim that our garden has been successful. This year Elizabeth and I decided we will do all we can to improve our garden so we can look forward to a harvest to be grateful for.
We took two Saturday classes at the Central ____ Gardens; one on soil and the other on vegetable gardening. We found that there is a lot more to gardening than we have been doing, and that proper care and preparation of the soil are much more vital than we thought.
Three weeks ago we planted some of our seeds in flats and they are growing nicely in the kitchen right before our eyes. We have also started the very important task of creating a compost pile; putting to use food that would otherwise have been wasted. We learned that the soil must be just right to support the plants we put in it so we are paying careful attention to its preparation. Now that we have increased our gardening knowledge, we are ready to begin what we hope to be the first of many successful gardening ventures.

We love to work out of doors with the soil and caring for growing plants. We find working with nature calming, stress relieving and peace promoting.
I am anxious to care for and watch our garden as it progresses. God willing we will have a successful garden this year.

Personal Bible Study

Submission, Subjection: Quiet, meek love shown. Forgiving wrongs committed. Gentle answers to rough treatment. Serving and helping with a cheerful attitude no matter how one is treated. Bearing persecution with patience and returning only honor. Voluntarily putting self in position under one in authority. This is what I come up with as a definition for submission and subjection from my study of 1 Peter 2 and 3.
Never has God asked us to sin in submission to another. In fact he says that those we are to be in subjection to should see our "chaste conversation" or conduct, and that we very well may be persecuted because of our "well doing". (1 Peter 3:1-2 & 1 Peter 2:20)
Submission takes character and self control and most of all the grace of God.